Random Thoughts: PDF Snob to Avid Supporter

I used to be a PDF pattern snob. I admit it openly, but I have changed. I used to be attracted to, well actually I still am, to the neat packaging the paper patterns come in, and the ease of storage, but the cost and availability of PDFs has been a big influence on my decision. Not to mention the riduculous cost of paper patterns in Australia. The cheapest I have ever bought them is $4 AUD per pattern, and that’s a rarity. I now love that I can have patterns instantly and not wait on shipping (especially if coming from overseas).

I usually preserve my patterns anyway by tracing my size but I like the security of reprinting a pattern if something goes wrong. I have also recently joined the PDF Pattern Sales and Promotions Facebook Page because of the accessibility to new patterns, and that says a lot because I don’t use Facebook for any other reason. So much has my stance on this subject changed that I spent an entire evening cutting and sticking together PDF patterns for both myself and the kids along with some paper patterns of course.

My cutting room floor

So this is my “cutting room floor”. I managed 5 patterns for myself (bottom row) and seven for the kiddos, including a bat girl costume for a superhero birthday party. Interestingly, the kids patterns are all PDF’s. Personally, I think the PDF market has a lot more variety for kids wear than what is available from paper patterns.

On to the next topic. So how do you store your PDF patterns? I can’t remember where I had read this lightbulb piece of information, but I print my PDF instructions out in booklet format because I like having them in front of me to write notes as opposed to reading them from a screen and I’m often flipping between pages. I store my patterns in A4 paper envelopes and write the details on the front that describe the pattern, designer, as well as a photo of the pattern, and the date of purchase because you never know when you have to search for that file again on the PC.

So where was I going with all of this…. well nowhere, except to say there is no excuse for not being productive at the moment because the worst job of sewing for me it the cutting part, and that’s done for a while so I’m going to get busy…

4 thoughts on “Random Thoughts: PDF Snob to Avid Supporter

  1. I hate putting PDF patterns together, but I seem to collect quite a lot of them anyway! 😀

    For storage, I fold everything back up so that it’s the size of a sheet of paper (without un-taping anything) and put that into a clear binder sleeve. Then the instructions go in on top of the folded pages, title page facing out. I file all my PDFs into 3-ring binders alphabetically, and then keep the binders on a bookshelf. Any traced pieces go into the sleeve, behind everything else. This is the only thing I’ve tried that has really worked for me: the binders store pretty easily, the sleeves are cheap and easy to find (I’m in the US–not sure how workable this would be in AUS), and I can see all the pattern line drawings and names as I’m flipping through. I also like the protection this method offers from spills, tears, etc.

    Digitally, I use my Google Drive to store all the files. No matter what happens to my laptop (8 yrs old and still kicking, barely), my PDF patterns are accessible from anywhere that I can sign in to Google.

    Sorry this was so long, but I figured I’d share, since you asked. 🙂 It’s fun hearing how others do things, isn’t it? Your booklet tip is something I am going to have to look into for sure!


  2. Thank for your input. I wasn’t too sure if the sleeves would get too heavy in the binders but might have to switch to a method such as this to keep things neater 🙂


  3. Pingback: PDF Patterns – Long Time Convert and Storage Solutions | tinkerandstitcher

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